Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Manneken Pis ( Vlaamse Fries ) - Amsterdam @ Netherlands

Manneken Pis ( Vlaamse Fries ) - Amsterdam @ Netherlands

The Netherlands, which is often known as Holland. Borders the North Sea to the north and west, to the south is Belgium, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam, commonly also known as the capital of culture, coffeeshops and canals. The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands.

Ok, so what is the picture about? Is about Manneken Pis. Don't be mistaken. It is definitely not the small bronze fountain sculpture naked little boy of the Brussels’ (Belgium) most famous statues. It is the name of the french fries shop from Amsterdam.

Located just a short walk from the exit of Amsterdam Central Station. It is a take-out only type restaurant. The fries are served in a in a paper sack (shaped like an ice cream cone) with a little fork and a pool of sauce in the middle Order. Locally the fries are known as Vlaamse Fries (Flemish Fries) made from whole potatoes. Typically smothered in mayonnaise. Very nice. In fact me and my wife simply love it.