Monday, December 7, 2009

Mummy, that's a bird on my head - Venezia @ Italy

Mummy, that's a bird on my head - Venezia @ Italy

Picture was taken in a city in the northern part of Italy, known as Venice (Italian: Venezia). If my memory doesn't failed me, it was taken right infront of the Basillica of St. Marks. Also commonly known as the Piazza San Marco. It is probably the one of the most famous place in Venice, even from the medieval age it has always been treated as the centre of Venice.

Alright I know, you might be asking, how come the picture does not show the basillica? Well, this picture is about its famous pigeons flying around the basillica. It is a very common sight to see pigeons around the St. Marks Square. So here it is a little girl trying to play with the pigeons and suddenly she got panic when one of the pigeon landed on her head.