Sunday, December 27, 2009

Notre-Dame Basilica Of Montreal - Montreal @ Canada

Notre-Dame Basilica Of Montreal - Montreal @ Canada

Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.

Montreal the 2nd largest city in Canada and is located in the southwest of the province of Quebec. For more than a century, Montreal has always been the industrial and financial centre of Canada. Today there are also many historical buildings in Old Montreal in Montreal still in their original form that provide a legacy of historic and architectural interest for us. One of them is the famous Notre-Dame Basilica.

Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal is definitely a significant part of the Catholic religious heritage of Montreal. As for the name "Notre-Dame", it is a term referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The interior of the Basilica is so grand and so colourful. It is filled with hundreds of carvings and religious statues. As for the stained glass, it depict the scenes from the religious history of Montreal.