Friday, November 13, 2009

Foreword - Be Blessed !!!

As a blessed child of God, I believe that I'm really blessed. I managed to travel quite a number of places in this small little planet known as Earth.

Yes, is not about work, is not about event. It is about travelling around with the one you love, with the one you enjoy going around with. Explore this small little planet and realise that the world is not that small after all.

As a matter of fact, I'm actually quite a "homely" man, not a person that love to travel alot. However, like I said, being blessed by God, I blessed to travel. :-P (too deep for you? is okay... layman term... I'm Blessed... That's why this blog is known as "Blessed Footprint".)

As far as I am concern, as long as I get to travel, I would love to travel for a much longer period of time while covering as many places as possible. Leaving many blessed footprint around this planet. Reason being I really enjoy it especially when I know that there is another 2 set of footprints walking along with me... The footprint of my wife and my lord, Jesus... I really think I am BLESSED.

Having said all that, the more I travel, the more I notice the beauty of this world that I'm living. The more I notice that, the more I am impressed by the works of God. 7 days is all he used to create this world. Nope, definitely not 7 days, not even 70 days or 700 days, I think if I am given another 70 years, I will still never be able to finish leaving my footprint in every part of this world. That's how powerful my God is... 7 days.

Nevetheless, I think it is time for me to share... And that's the reason for the birth of this blog... to share with the world the "footprint" of my life journey. Footprint of beautiful building, places, food, events and beautiful people that I've seen.

So stay cool and keep coming back to my blog... "footprint" will be up in the next post of mine... Cheers.

PS : Travelling in my own country, attending events of my life to me is also consider as leaving my footprint, okay? Don't understand? Nevermind... you will get it one day. :-)