Friday, November 13, 2009

My Design, My Work, My Plate - @ Belgium

My Design, My Work, My Plate - @ Belgium

The Kingdom of Belgium is a country in the northwest Europe, who shares the borders with France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Belgium has three official languages. There are Dutch, French and German. In which Dutch being the largest speaker population.

This lady immediately attracted me when I saw her sitting along the street. She has created some small little deco plates. Most likely it was painted by her. She "seem" not so well to do... (Okay I might be wrong. Sorry lady.) Okay, she might be travelling around too... but trying to earn some money while travelling... Nevertheless she able to support herself and her dog by making those handicraft plates to sell.

Isn't it encouraging for those who is strong and healthy, yet lofting around asking people for money?